Story of a Girl Freedom and Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He leaned against the counter, holding April to his chest. He looked tired; big circles under his eyes, lips tight. "Remember last summer? When all we did was drive around looking for parties?" (7.51)

One year has completely changed Darren's life, just like one night completely changed Deanna's. Sex has irrevocably altered both of their futures.

Quote #8

"Like, what if she hadn't had April? She might be in college or backpacking across Europe or something. She looked like that kind of girl." (7.67)

Stacy made the choice to have April and stay in Pacifica. She may have looked like the kind of girl who would get out, but her parents were even less supportive than Deanna's, and she ended up trapped instead.

Quote #9

"If you guys move out, that means I'll have a place to go, too. Once in a while, I mean. To visit." (12.27)

Do you think Deanna will really be happy just visiting Darren and Stacy? Will getting away from her parents once in a while be enough, or will she end up just as jealous of Darren and Stacy as she is of Lee?