Story of a Girl Respect/Reputation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Him and Deanna, that skanky eighth grader, going at it and she was loving it, you know, and then her dad shows up, and that's him, working in the parts department. (7.37)

Deanna's dad carries the reminder of what Deanna did everywhere he goes, even to his temp jobs. They're both suffering from their inability to stand up for her.

Quote #8

I surfed through the talk shows and pictured my dad on the screen. Today's topic: My Daughter is a Slut. Tommy could go on, too, and tell the story to an international audience. (9.18)

We'd like to encourage Deanna to imagine herself appearing on a talk show instead. Today's topic: How I Survived Slut-Shaming by my Dad. It has a better ring to it, right?

Quote #9

Suddenly Bruce's voice was right in my ear, whispering, "I guess this is a self-serve thing," and he put his hand between my legs from behind. (9.90)

Hey, Bruce—totally not okay way to treat someone. You hear us? The fact that Jason doesn't pummel Bruce right there at the Panda Express makes us both love him and hate him. If he weren't the nicest guy ever, Deanna wouldn't love him—but somebody needs to stick up for her.