The Art of Fielding Chapter 29 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • In poetry class, the boys on the baseball team pass notes like they're back in high school, because they're trying to figure out the identity of the new girl in class.
  • After class, Pella introduces herself to Henry, saying that Mike talks about him a lot.
  • Henry is surprised, because Mike's never mentioned her.
  • She wants to know what it's like to be the best at something.
  • Henry won't admit to being the best shortstop, though. He says "there's always somebody better" (29.51).
  • Later, the team plays another game, and Henry continues making errors.
  • A sports writer named Sarah X. Pessel interviews Henry, and it goes about as well as anyone trying to interview Marshawn Lynch. Henry barely answers any of her questions.
  • "You don't get paid for this," he sneers at her (29.123).
  • And she responds, "Neither do you" (29.124)—good point.