The Big Lebowski Scene 13 Summary

  • Back at the bowling alley, The Dude's giant phone keeps ringing. This causes him an un-groovy amount of discomfort.
  • It's also important to note that he's wearing size-12 jellies in this scene.
  • Donny shows up and informs them that the league tournament has been scheduled for a Saturday.
  • This sends Walter into a raging tirade because he's "shomer Shabbos," which means he observes Shabbat, the Jewish day of rest.
  • Donny proceeds to question him, at which point Walter yells one of the most famous lines uttered in the history of film: "I don't roll on Shabbos!"
  • The Dude, super-stressed, decides to leave; Walter and Donny follow him to his car.
  • Outside, they discover that The Dude's car (which was parked in a handicap parking space, btw) has been stolen. Which means the Big Lebowski's $1 million has been stolen as well.
  • Whoops.