The Big Lebowski Scene 4 Summary

  • The Dude and Brandt, rich Jeff Lebowski's fawning personal assistant, tour the Lebowski mansion.
  • They focus on a group portrait of The Little Lebowski Urban Achievers, a charity for inner-city kids who do not have, according to Brandt, "the necessary means for the necessary means for a higher education." (Brandt is very weird.)
  • Then the Big Lebowski himself shows up. He's in a wheelchair, which he says happened as a result of fighting in the Korean War.
  • The Dude tries to explain that there's been a mix-up name-wise, and that his beloved rug has been unfairly peed upon. The Big Lebowski doesn't seem to get it. Or doesn't want to.
  • The Dude tries to explain that the toughs probably meant to rough up the Big Lebowski: "I'm not Mr. Lebowski," he says, "you're Mr. Lebowski. I'm The Dude. Or His Dudeness. Or Duder. Or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing."
  • The Big Lebowski doesn't find The Dude's argument compelling.
  • The Dude leaves the Big Lebowski's office and sees Brandt, who asks him how the meeting went.
  • The Dude said it went OK and tells him that the Big Lebowski told him to take any rug in the house. Smooth.