The Matrix Scene 1 Summary

  • Greeeen! Yes, lots of green things (numbers, letters, tiny pictograms, it's hard to tell really) are scrolling down the screen before we get the title, also in green.
  • Then we're looking at an old computer screen with a green blinking line.
  • Why so much green, you ask? Well, computer used to use monochrome monitors, often featuring green phosphor as the only color to display text and graphics. Don't worry; this won't be on the test.
  • Cue voices. A female talking to a male about a guy they're watching. The male accuses the female of liking to look at him (aw yeah) and the girl reminds him that he just might be "The One."
  • Then the female gets paranoid about the security of the line and the call ends as the camera zooms in. Note: get used to us saying, "zooms in"—it's going to happen a lot and it's going to be important.