The Matrix Scene 8 Summary

  • We see identical screens of Neo sitting at a table in an interrogation room. The camera zooms into one of these scenes and there we are, in the room with Neo when the agents come in to chat.
  • The head agent introduces himself as Agent Smith and refers to Neo as Thomas A. Anderson. He accuses Neo of being guilty of "every computer crime we have a law for" and tells him he'll be cleared of all charges if he helps bring in Morpheus.
  • Neo, despite only speaking a few sentences to Morpheus, decides to give Smith the finger and Smith responds by erasing his mouth. Yes. Neo's mouth is… gone.
  • And then it gets weird.
  • Smith places a bug inside of him. It looks like a tiny mechanical device but turns into an actual insect (oh the puns) and drills its way into his bellybutton (and you thought lint was bad).