Loyalty Quotes in The Scorpio Races

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I'll speak for her."

Every face turns to where Sean Kendrick stands a little apart from the crowd, his arms crossed. (32.101-32.102)

This is the moment where Sean puts himself in Puck's camp. By speaking for her at the ritual, he aligns with her and, as a man of his word, Sean will never back out of this deal.

Quote #8

"How do you know there isn't a faster horse than Corr out there?" (33.32)

Sean doesn't care if there's a horse that's faster, or even if there's a horse that could fly, because he's loyal to Corr until the very end.

Quote #9

Those are my horses down there in this beleaguered stable, out there in that fearful night. But at the same time, they are not mine, too. (39.4)

Even though Sean doesn't own Corr and the rest of the horses, he would do anything for them. A lack of money doesn't mean there's a lack of loyalty.