Tradition and Customs Quotes in The Scorpio Races

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Have you ever made a sea wish before?" (28.20)

There are plenty of superstitions mixed in with tradition when it comes to the Scorpio Races. This one is the equivalent of getting the king cake baby on New Year's Eve.

Quote #8

"It's the riders' [blood]. You'll go up and put a drop of your blood on there to show you're riding." (32.22)

Ah, here are the races's pagan origins coming into focus. We can't imagine many modern-day sports having a blood ritual before they begin.

Quote #9

"There are rules on paper and rules too big for paper." (32.77)

It seems that the rules too big for paper are the rules excluding women from the race. We're not sure of the legality of the Scorpio Races in general, but we imagine it's not a good idea to write down your discrimination tactics.