The Sky is Everywhere Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I'm becoming accustomed to The Sanctum without her and I hate it. Hate that when I stand in her closet fumbling from piece to piece, my face pressed into the fabrics, that I can't find one shirt or dress that still has her scent, and it's my fault. They all smell like me now. (30.8)

Lennie keeps all of Bailey's things in the places they were when she died so that she can hold onto the feeling that Bailey could return at any moment. Without being able to smell Bailey's scent, she seems farther away. It's like her death is becoming more of an unavoidable fact.

Quote #8

In fact, maybe Bails would like that I fell in love with Joe so soon after she died. Maybe it's just the exact inappropriate way my sister would want to be mourned by me. (31.26)

Knowing what you know about Bailey, do you think Lennie is right? Would Bailey approve?

Quote #9

Everything I haven't allowed myself to imagine rushes me: I think about airless empty lungs. Lipstick on her unmoving mouth. The silver bracelet that Toby had given her on her pulseless wrist. Her belly ring. Hair and nails growing in the dark. Her body with no thoughts in it. No time in it. No love in it. Six feet of earth crushing down on her. (34.22)

Lennie's been avoiding the cemetery until now, and this passage explains why: Death can be really creepy. But this passage is juxtaposed, right after, with the natural beauty of Bailey's gravesite. What do you think this juxtaposition means?