The Sting Scene 10 Summary

  • Back in the room, Henry switches off with Johnny and tells him to go get the money from Lonnegan.
  • Meanwhile, Lonnegan's bodyguard insists that he gave Henry-as-Shaw four 3's and that Henry-as-Shaw must have somehow cheated.
  • He vows that they can't let Henry-as-Shaw get away with cheating a man like Lonnegan. Lonnegan knows that they can't be too obvious though or else they'll tip off the other wealthy card players that Lonnegan was cheating.
  • At this point, Johnny shows up at Lonnegan's room with a fake name—he's calling himself "Kelly."
  • (We're going to refer to this made-up character as "Johnny-as-Kelly" to keep this kinda-sorta clear.)
  • But instead of collecting money, he tells Lonnegan that his "boss" has been working to con him for months.
  • Lonnegan loses his mind and wants to have Henry-as-Shaw killed. But his bodyguard talks him out of it because they're too close to the station. Plus, as Johnny-as-Kelly says, it won't look good if Lonnegan starts murdering people he owes money to.
  • Johnny-as-Kelly says that Henry-as-Shaw would probably have him killed if he knew Johnny-as-Kelly was ratting him out to Lonnegan.
  • He also says that he knows of better ways to take down Henry-as-Shaw. So Lonnegan takes the bait and asks Johnny-as-Kelly why he ratted out his boss.
  • Johnny-as-Kelly says that he wants to take over Henry-as-Shaw's operation and that he needs Lonnegan to help him do it.
  • This is especially clever—because this is the exact kind of tactic Lonnegan used as a young man to work his way up through the criminal world.
  • Lonnegan says he's giving Johnny-as-Kelly a lift home, which Johnny-as-Kelly will somehow have to explain to his "boss."