The Sting Scene 7 Summary

  • Henry assembles his best conmen and they get together over a card table to talk about how they're going to get to Lonnegan.
  • Apparently, this Lonnegan guy is a total shark who will kill anyone who messes with him.
  • On his way to the top of the mob world, he knocked off several big players in organized crime.
  • One of the main conclusions that comes out of this discussion is that Lonnegan is most likely still after Johnny, since Lonnegan's such a proud dude.
  • Back outside, Billie heads to the front of the building, which seems to be some sort of illegal bar and brothel. In the lobby, she runs into Detective Snyder, who's there looking for Johnny.
  • In the back room, the conmen talk about how, apparently, Doyle Lonnegan is a fan of poker.
  • He also happens to be a cheater who sets up his own private game on a train whenever he travels to Chicago from New York.
  • Outside, Billie stalls Detective Snyder by saying that he shouldn't go poking around because the Chief of Police is currently in one of the private rooms.
  • Meanwhile, Henry says that the cons are going to beat Lonnegan using a trick called "The Wire," which will require Johnny to work as a second inside man alongside Henry.
  • Henry also wants to get in on Lonnegan's private train poker game to help get the guy's blood boiling.
  • At this point, Billie comes over to Henry and tells him there's a detective looking for someone who's been using counterfeit money.
  • Henry asks around but no one owns up to it.