The Sting Scene 19 Summary

  • A title card flashes up and reads, "The Sting."
  • Johnny wakes up in bed to find that Loretta the waitress is gone. He looks around and finds that none of her stuff is in the apartment, so he immediately goes for his wallet. Luckily, it's still there and full of money. But Johnny is still pretty weirded out by the whole thing.
  • Meanwhile, we see two gloved hands open a wooden box with a revolver inside. The hands load the revolver…and fit it with a silencer. Gulp.
  • Meanwhile, Doyle Lonnegan gets a briefcase filled with half a million dollars. At this same moment, we finally get a shot of the face of the dude loading the gun just as he leaves his apartment—an apartment that just happens to overlook the diner where Johnny is eating.
  • Double gulp.
  • After Johnny finishes, he and everyone else starts getting ready for the big sting.
  • Johnny gets on the phone and lets FBI Agent Polk know the details of the fake bettering parlor and what's going down.
  • Johnny heads out into the street and we can see the dude with the gloves/revolver waiting for him behind a corner.
  • Johnny doesn't see him, but he does see Loretta walking toward him from down the alley.
  • Just as she's about to reach Johnny, though, the gloves/revolver guy puts a bullet through her head.
  • Johnny is stunned as the gloves/revolver guy runs up to Loretta and pulls a gun off her. The gloves/revolver guy then explains that the woman was about to kill Johnny because (wait for it) this woman is Salino.
  • Her name is Loretta Salino, so she's been Lonnegan's hitman (or hitwoman) all along.
  • Johnny and the gloves/revolver guy run off together. When they're in the guy's car, Johnny asks why Loretta didn't just kill him in her apartment the night before, but the gloves/revolver guy tells him that too many people would have seen Johnny and her together that night for Loretta to do the hit safely.
  • Apparently, the gloves/revolver guy is someone Henry put on Johnny to make sure he was okay.