Family Quotes in The Walking Dead

How we cite our quotes: (Panel)

Quote #4

"My in-laws live in Atlanta." (96)

Rick must not care too much about his in-laws, because he doesn't try to find them, and they never even mention them again. Not all family members are created equal.

Quote #5

[A dead, decomposing family, with a crucifix on the wall.] (166)

The family that lives together, dies together, we guess. Despite being religious (there's a cross on the wall and a Bible on the ground) the father of the family kills everyone then himself, with a revolver. Everyone has his own idea of what it means to protect his family, we guess. Some types of death are more horrible than others. And watching your family get eaten by zombies? The worst. Just ask Jim.

Quote #6

[Rick's family runs toward him.] (266-268)

This might be the first genuinely happy moment in the whole story. Rick arrives at camp and sees his wife and son, who run toward him, arms outstretched and smiling. It's a major change in tone, if only briefly.