Fear Quotes in The Walking Dead

How we cite our quotes: (Panel)

Quote #7

"I haven't had time to be scared." (294)

Rick's been running on pure adrenaline for two days, which has kept his fear at bay. Now that he has a moment to breathe, he has a moment to wonder about the future… and be scared of what it might hold.

Quote #8

"Jim's gun store is five blocks from where I found you. I never got that far in. There is no way we can do this." (425)

Glenn's normally pretty brave when heading into Atlanta, but even he has his limits. There are some parts of the city that have too many zombies. Heading into there would be suicidal, not courageous.

Quote #9

"No! No way! This isn't going to work… it just isn't." (453)

Rick and Glenn head into the heavily invested zones of Atlanta anyway, and this is a little role reversal between the two. Now it's time for Rick, who is strangely calm, to guide Glenn through the city and help him manage his fears.