Violence Quotes in The Walking Dead

How we cite our quotes: (Panel)

Quote #7

CHOMP! "Yahhh!!" (493)

Rick's bitten by a zombie here, which should be a death sentence, but luck or fate (or the demands of the storyline) intervenes and the creature's teeth aren't able to penetrate his leather jacket.

Quote #8

"Gar!" "Yeargh!" (597)

The people in the camp think they're safe. Safety in numbers, y'know? But when Amy goes to the camper during dinner, she's surrounded by zombies and killed right in front of everyone. They can't do anything to stop it. Much of the horror is in the characters having to watch others die and not being able to prevent it.

Quote #9

"My family!" WHACK! "My family!!" SPLACK! "You killed them!!!" SPLUCK! (628-630)

During the zombie assault on the camp, Jim goes into revenge overdrive, shooting a zombie over and over again. He seems to think that this violent outburst will somehow help him avenge his family, but the zombies will never end and his family will never come back. By this point, he's operating on sheer violent instinct.