Memory and the Past Quotes in The World According to Garp

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

According to Harms could now be truthful only by remembering, and that method—as distinct from imagining—was not only psychologically harmful to him but far less fruitful. (18.12)

Painful memories are like old scars: You can look, but don't touch because those cuts will open right back up at a moment's notice.

Quote #8

He tried to remember what had enabled him to imagine that first sentence of "The Pension Grillparzer" [...] What he got [now] was memory, and that made muck. (18.194)

Garp was an open book when he wrote "The Pension Grillparzer." How can he possibly get back to that pure state after all of the tragedies he has experienced?

Quote #9

And if you have life, said Garp's eyes, there is hope you'll have energy. And never forget, there is memory, Helen, his eyes told her. (19.50)

As a writer, Garp knows that there's only one thing that never dies: memory. This is an important realization for a man who's terrified of death.