Tomorrow, When the War Began Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"If I could get my family and friends back, healthy, I'd let the stupid people have the houses and cars and things. I'd go and live with my parents in a cardboard box at the tip and be happy." (13.53)

Fi misses her folks desperately. For her, they're the only thing that matters—the invaders an have anything they want so long as she can get her people back. Notice that she includes friends here as on par with family.

Quote #5

"I know what our parents would say," Fi said, "They'd say that the most important thing to them is our safety. They wouldn't want us dead in exchange for them living." (13.56)

Good point, Fi. Hopefully her suggestion warns the group that even though they want to know how their families are, the most important thing is that they stay alive and well.

Quote #6

As sleep crept up on me I turned my mind to my evening ritual […] a movie that I ran in my head every night. In the movie I watched my parents going about their normal lives. […] I didn't know if I was making myself feel bad by trying to make myself feel good, thinking about my parents, but it was my way of keeping them alive and in my thoughts. (15.33)

One way Ellie copes is by remembering all the normal things that used to make up her life, visiting the past to keep its flame lit in the present. She definitely doesn't want to forget her family as time goes by.