Tomorrow, When the War Began Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I'd noticed that the longer we stayed in Hell, the more we fell into natural rhythms, going to bed when it was dark and getting up at dawn. That wasn't the routine we had at home, no way. (15.36)

With their parents missing, the teenagers slowly become their own parents, taking good care of themselves without anyone telling them to do so.

Quote #8

All they said was they hadn't seen our families, but they'd been told they were safe at the Showground. When I heard this, it was such a relief that I sat down quickly on the ground, as though I'd had the breath knocked out of me. Lee leant against a tree with his hands over his face. I don't think anything else mattered to us much. (17.2)

This quote says it all: Family is the most important relationship of all. All the Hell gang really wants is for their families to be okay.

Quote #9

"OK boys and girls," she began. "Everyone ready for story time?" […] "You guys seem to have had an interesting couple of days yourselves. It mightn't be safe to leave you here alone again."

"OK Mum, get on with it," Homer said. (17.6-7)

Everyone's joking around here a bit, but still—Robyn does totally pull a mom here by picking up on the romantic shenanigans that went down while she and some of the others were off risking their necks to gather intel.