Tomorrow, When the War Began War Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

When we left the Mackenzies' we moved cautiously. For the first time, we acted like people in a war, like soldiers, like guerillas. (7.23)

Gone are the days of just popping out the front door and walking down the street in broad daylight. Now, these kids have to make their moves under cover, keeping themselves as hidden as possible so soldiers don't see—and then capture—them.

Quote #5

[…] I wouldn't allow myself to really consider the possibility that mum or dad—or anyone else—had been injured or killed. I mean, I knew in my logical mind that such things were logical outcomes of invasions and fights and wars, but my logical mind was in a little box. (7.44)

All kinds of things get turned upside down after the invasion, and here's yet another example: Instead of relying on her logical mind to stay focused and keep her wherewithal, Ellie sets logic aside to rely on imagination, which offers up much more hope.

Quote #6

From my new vantage point I could see human movement: three men in uniforms emerged slowly from the shadows […] They carried weapons of some kind […] Despite all the evidence that we'd had already, this was the first confirmation that an enemy army was in our country, and was in control. (7.68)

Now we know for sure what's going down: No ifs, ands, or buts—war is officially on. From here on out, we're pretty much in an action-packed thrilled until the final page.