Tomorrow, When the War Began War Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You guys did well. Don't feel so bad. This is war now, and normal rules don't apply. These people have invaded our land, locked up our families. They caused your dogs to die, Ellie, and they tried to kill you three […]." (8.16)

Guilt is an unexpected side effect of war. Ellie did what she had to do to save her friends, but in order to do so, she had to do some damage to some soldiers. Since she's a decent human being, she feels none to good about this afterward.

Quote #8

From under each wing flew two little darts, two horrible black things that grew as they approached us. […] Corrie gave a cry that I'll never forget, like a wounded bird. One rocket hit the house, and one was all it took. The house came apart in slow motion. (9.92)

This is one of the worst things war has to offer: watching while the things you love get destroyed. With her family missing, Corrie's home is all the more significant—and now it's gone.

Quote #9

Homer had an ability to put himself into the minds of the soldiers […]. (10.2)

This war is really changing Homer. The former class clown is now using his creativity to imagine what the soldiers are thinking in order to help the group figure out how to navigate them.