Tomorrow, When the War Began Wisdom and Knowledge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

No, Hell wasn't anything to do with places, Hell was all to do with people. Maybe Hell was people. […]

No place was Hell, no place could be Hell. It's the people calling it Hell, that's the only thing that made it so. (4.74-76)

This is classic Ellie wisdom. She sees through human constructs, realizing how arbitrary the values are that humans assign to things and recognizing that really, things are pretty neutral.

Quote #5

My worst fight was really stupid. I don't know, maybe all fights are really stupid. (5.25)

Do you think Ellie's right about this? Why or why not?

Quote #6

I suddenly made myself leave the darkness and go for it […] It was a dance of courage. I felt then, and still feel now, that I was transformed by those four steps. (7.65)

Facing fears leads to personal growth and courage. Here, Ellie learns that she is braver than she previously thought, capable of acting boldly and decisively in terrifying situations.