Tomorrow, When the War Began Wisdom and Knowledge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"The biggest risk is to take no risk. Or to take crazy risks." (9.41)

Homer is getting pretty good at this thinking business. Here he recognizes that not doing anything is just as dangerous as doing something completely over the top.

Quote #8

But his big motto is "Time spent in reconnaissance is seldom wasted." (7.23)

Corrie's dad is wicked wise, and fortunately, the teens are smart enough to recognize this and take his advice to heart. By doing so, they learn a lot from spying about what's going on.

Quote #9

There were a lot of things to be unhappy about, but somehow the paper I'd read in the Hermit's hut, and the long beautiful kiss with Lee, had given me a better perspective on life. I knew it wouldn't last, but I tried to enjoy it while it did. (16.26)

Few things are wiser, in our humble opinion, than being able to appreciate the moment.