True West Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Act.Scene.Line

Quote #7

Austin: I'd cash it all in in a second. That's the truth. (2.8.260)

Once again, a hugely telling line. Austin lays out that he wants nothing more than to turn into a man like Lee. He'd cast off the yolk of family and job and money and all that stuff just to go hang out in the desert. (Don't judge. Sometimes ditching work and heading to the desert sounds like a pretty good idea to us too.)

Quote #8

Austin: Yeah well don't tell me I can't kill him because I can. I can just twist. I can just keep twisting. (2.9.296-297)

The transformation takes hold. Austin has reached a point now where he knows he can dominate Lee to the point where he can kill him. He's actually turned into a man who considers killing his brother. That's a pretty far cry from the mild-mannered writer he used to be.

Quote #9

Austin: I'm goin' to the desert […] I'm going by myself to the desert. (2.9.301-303)

In case we weren't clear that Austin had basically changed into Lee, he spells it out for us.