True West Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Act.Scene.Line

Quote #4

Lee: I'm a screenwriter now! I'm legitimate. (2.7.50)

Here's another big line that keeps coming up. This is Lee's attempt at transformation, or at least an attempt to try to convince Austin and himself that he's transforming. It doesn't last all that long, so it's good to point this one out.

Quote #5

Austin: Yeah, well we all sound alike when we're sloshed. We just sorta' echo each other. (2.7.131-132)

At this moment, Austin actually compares himself to his father. Remember, Austin has shown nothing but disdain for his father throughout the play, but now he is starting to see a connection with the old man.

Quote #6

(AUSTIN has a whole bunch of stolen toasters lined up) (2.8.6-7)

That's some serious transforming going on, people. That's like Optimus Prime level transforming. Austin has turned himself into a thief just like big brother.