True West Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Act.Scene.Line

Quote #7

(LEE smashing typewriter with a golf club) (2.8.3-4)

Sometimes when people get frustrated, they count to ten or take some deep breaths or maybe even scream. Lee destroys things.

Quote #8

(LEE rips the phone off the wall and throws it down) (2.8.172)

Well, the operator did hang up on him. What did you expect?

Quote #9

(he [Austin] lunges at LEE,[…]wraps the cord around LEE'S neck, plants a foot in LEE'S back and pulls back on the cord) (1.9.246-248)

Man, Austin is not messing around anymore. This is the moment when he truly completes his transformation. This unrepentant act of violence would never have seemed possible at the top of the show, but Austin has grown into a different man than he was—he has found a way to be his brother's equal.