Witch and Wizard Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I choked back my vertigo—I'm so bad about heights I usually turn around and face upward on down escalators. (83.17)

Wisty is a powerful witch who's afraid of almost nothing. Well, except flesh-eating creatures and escalators. But hey, we all have our weak spots.

Quote #8

"Don't cry. Remember, they're doing all this because they're scared. They're afraid of you. They're afraid of all of us." (91.4)

These words are spoken by a young girl who's a prisoner at the Hospital. She understands an important power dynamic: The guards are afraid of their prisoners.

Quote #9

"The guards are afraid of you. They're afraid of me. They're afraid of everything!" (94.3)

Whit has the same realization—the guards are afraid. Once he's tuned into their fear, the guards don't seem nearly as scary.