Odds of Getting In

Odds of Getting In

Here's some pretty exciting news: the demand for energy brokers is high and expected to keep growing—by 140,000 new positions over the next few years (source). If you have a business degree (a bachelor's is sufficient, though a master's is exceptional) and the right mix of skills, we'd say your odds of finding work is pretty good.

And because this career is in a niche market, if you're interested in it, chances are you won't have a whole lot of competition. If you do run into a bunch of other excited, eager energy-brokers-to-be, change up the area in which you're looking to break into the market. Remember, there are fifty states in this enormous country.

So, intrepid Shmooper, any place in particular you've always wanted to live? Throw a dart at a map of the U.S. and the odds are in your favor of finding an energy broker job in the area. Then you just have to worry about harnessing the energy to pack up your things and move.