

To get in as an energy broker, the most basic requirement is just a bachelor's degree in a business-related field. Beyond that piece of paper, however, you'll need to have a good understanding of the energy market, and it probably wouldn't hurt to learn some quick calculation techniques for when you're in a heated contract negotiation and need to think on your feet.

Speaking of contracts, contract management skills (writing, reading, and interpreting them) are vital to being an energy broker. Most of your work involves setting up really large contracts between energy suppliers and other entities, whether they be businesses or communities.

A crystal ball made of pure energy should do the trick. (Source)

Additionally, energy brokers must be very detail-oriented, organized, and able to make smart, fast decisions when factors change. Oh, and some market forecasting skills are definitely useful, too. Having some kind of knack for potential cost is invaluable in this line of work.