All the Bright Places Mental Illness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I get these headaches sometimes. No big deal." This isn't an out-and-out lie, because the headaches are part of it. It's like my brain is firing so fast that it can't keep up with itself. Words. Colors. Sounds. (18.8)

Here Finch describes his manic episodes. Notice he only tells Violet about the headache part and keeps the rest to himself.

Quote #5

Sometimes there are warnings. Sound, of course, and headaches, but I've also learned to look out for things like changes in space, as in the way you see it, the way it feels. (18.17)

Finch has come to recognize the signs of his depressive episodes. As readers, we see him experiencing some of them later in the book.

Quote #6

If he's in the basement, it can only mean one thing. He's in one of his moods, as Mom calls them. (21.4)

Finch says his dad has black moods, which basically involve lots of screaming and physical abuse. We know that Finch has violent tendencies. Maybe it runs in the family.