All the Bright Places Mental Illness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Upstairs, I brave Decca's chamber of horrors to make sure she's okay. …I find her on the floor, cutting words out of books she's collected from around the house. (21.59-21.60)

When Finch's little sister is upset, she cuts all the "mean parts" out of every book she can find. That sounds an awful lot like something Finch would do. Is it possible she's showing signs of bipolar disorder, too?

Quote #8

She'll tell me to help myself to the Advil in her purse and that I need to relax and stop getting so worked up, because in this house there's no such thing as being sick unless you can measure it with a thermometer under the tongue. (25.7)

Finch is telling all the kids all across the land: Take it from him, parents just don't understand.

Quote #9

"What do you know about bipolar disorder?" I almost say, What do you know about it? But I make myself breathe and smile. "Is that the Jekyll-Hyde thing?" My voice sounds flat and event. Maybe a little bored, even though my mind and body are on alert. (41.36)

In his last meeting with Finch, the school counselor broaches the topic of bipolar disorder. Why do you think Finch acts disinterested?