And Then There Were None Criminality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

When Vera looked at him, she saw a man standing in the dock—a young man with fair hair and blue eyes and a bewildered frightened face. Edward Seton. (8.95)

One of the reasons we know that Vera is our protagonist is that she’s the only one who really seems to get it. She can’t see past the horrible things they’ve done, and for that matter, can’t see past what she’s done either.

Quote #5

Vera sat down beside him. She said:

“Do you like sitting here looking out to sea?” (8.103-104)

Vera can’t stand to be around the others, but she seem okay with General Macarthur. Maybe it’s because their crimes are similar: they were committed out of overwhelming love for their partners.

Quote #6

“Well, have it your own way. U.N. Owen is one of us. No exceptions allowed. We all qualify.” (9.247)

When the murders start really piling up, it’s clear that one of them is the true criminal. Unfortunately Wargrave has planned it so well that it’s impossible to eliminate anyone from the pool of suspicion. May the odds be ever in your favor!