And Then There Were None Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

“The abandoned creature, not content with having one sin on her conscience, committed a still graver sin. She took her own life.” (7.61)

Way harsh, Emily. Miss Brent clearly sees no problem with abandoning people at their lowest hour. There’s a reason she’s on this island, after all.

Quote #5

Vera said:

“Alone—alone —” and the echo of her voice came back to her from the rocks. (8.136)

Talk about isolated: Vera is so alone that she has to talk to the rocks. She’s about one step away from drawing a face on a volleyball.

Quote #6

There was no one on the island but their eight selves. (8.251)

Okay, we love this. Check out exactly how Christie describes it: “their eight selves.” Somehow, sticking that number in between the “their” and the “selves” emphasizes exactly how isolated they are—so isolated that you could count them on two hands.