Because of Winn-Dixie Chapter 26 Summary

  • Opal walks out to the tree with all the bottles on it, Gloria's "mistake tree" (26.1). Then she talks to her mom, tilting her head to the sky.
  • She tells her even though she doesn't know enough about her, her daddy can tell her more because they both know she's not comin' back. She tells her they miss her, but the holes in her heart have filled (just like a Boston Crème doughnut, delicious), so she won't think about her as much as before.
  • Then she remembers the "wait-and-see tree" she planted with Gloria. After crawling around, she finds it. It's small, but strong—hey! Just like Opal.
  • And while she's still checking out her tree on her knees, Dunlap asks her if she's praying (Shock! Where did he come from?!) Nope, she's just thinking 'bout stuff.
  • She tells Dunlap she's sorry she was mean to him and his brother. He tells her it's all right and Gloria sent him to find her. She reminds him she's not a witch. Duh. Dunlap totally knows that, but he liked to tease her. Hmm, sounds like someone might have a little crush. He even helps her stand up.
  • They race back to the house, and Opal wins. You go girl!
  • Amanda is prissyface again and scolds them for running, but instead of getting mad, Opal remembers Carson and takes her hand.
  • Inside, Opal's daddy asks if she wants to sing songs, but she doesn't know many. He tells her he'll teach her and smiles, which is practically a first. Bye-bye, Turtle Man!
  • Gloria Dump agrees that they'll teach her, Miss Franny gives her a Littmus Lozenge, and Otis offers her a pickle. (Shmoop would have preferred a corndog, but pickles are okay, too.)
  • Everyone is friends and happy. Opal leans into her daddy, Winn-Dixie leans into her, and Amanda stands next to her, not pinch-faced at all.
  • Dunlap and Stevie remind everyone it's time to sing. Sweetie Pie dedicates the singing to Winn-Dixie.
  • Opal enjoys a "sweet and sad" Littmus Lozenge and everyone sings while Opal listens. She's trying to learn it the best she can (26.33). And that's it.
  • Friends made, lessons learned, heart warmed.