Because of Winn-Dixie Chapter 4 Summary

  • So, the preacher tells Opal ten things about her mom:

(1) She was funny.
(2) She was a redhead with freckles, like Opal.
(3) She had a green thumb when it came to plants.
(4) She was a fast runner (just like Opal).
(5) Cooking was a no-go for her. She could hardly even open a can, not to mention cook something from it.
(6) She loved stories, especially funny ones.
(7) She knew and loved all the constellations.
(8) She didn't like being judged and picked at for being a preacher's wife.
(9) She was a drinker—beer, whiskey, wine—and sometimes couldn't stop, which was not good for the relationship.
(10) She loved Opal.

  • Despite Number Ten, Opal's mama still left them "and didn't leave one thing behind" (4.20).
  • Opal runs to her room to write down everything the preacher said.
  • She reads the list to Winn-Dixie until she memorizes it.
  • In case her mother comes back, she can use the list to recognize her and keep her from ever leaving again.