Because of Winn-Dixie Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Sometimes he reminded me of a turtle, hiding inside its shell, in there thinking about things and not ever sticking his head out into the world. (2.14)

The preacher deals with his grief by isolating himself, even from his own daughter. Yeah, the shell might keep him safe—but the whole "hiding out" thing results in him missing out on a whole lot more.

Quote #2

I was lonely in Naomi because I didn't know that many kids […] And none of them wanted to be my friend anyway because they probably thought I'd tell on them to the preacher for every little thing they did wrong. (5.37)

Do you think Opal's right about why kids don't want to be her friend? Based on what we find out later, is she justified in this conclusion? Or is it a silly excuse she's made up because she's scared to leave her comfort zone?

Quote #3

"All my friends, everyone I knew when I was young, they are all dead and gone." (7.23)

Poor Miss Franny. All alone in her library every day, with no one to talk to but the books. Sure, she may have been kind of a loner back in the day, too. But that doesn't make it any easier to lose everyone you love. She would know—it happened to her great-grandfather, and she's got the candy to prove it.