Because of Winn-Dixie Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"You know, my eyes ain't too good at all. I can't see nothing but the general shape of things, so I got to rely on my heart. Why don't you go on and tell me everything about yourself, so as I can see you with my heart." (9.39)

Basically, Gloria Dump has X-ray vision. She looks past people's faults and surface insecurities to their gooey inside layers. Part of the reason she can do this is because she's had to forgive herself for her own mistakes. Opal feels drawn to her superpowers. Even Otis glows around her.

Quote #2

"No," Otis said. "I take them out. I feel sorry for them being locked up all the time. I know what it's like, being locked up." (12.6-8)

Otis may be quiet and socially awkward, but he has a squishy, compassionate heart. Even though the animals are not people and not being punished, he grants them a moment of freedom while he plays. Ironically, even while he frees the animals, Otis remains trapped, because he'd rather play for people.

Quote #3

"You can't always judge people by the things they done. You got to judge them by what they are doing now." (14.40)

Though what Gloria says this makes sense for Otis and Gloria, who have made past mistakes, does it also apply to Amanda? Before Carson's death, she was probably much friendlier and happier. But afterwards, she's a regular Snootypants. Is that her real nature now?