Doll Bones The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Had a ghost really trashed their campsite? Was Eleanor watching him out of the Queen's glass eyes? A chill shivered up his spine. (8.55)

Did the Queen trash the kids' campsite? Or was it just a raccoon or another animal? It was probably just an animal. Right. Right?

Quote #8

"Do you believe in ghosts?" he asked, keeping his voice low. "Because I think I do now. For real and for sure." (9.7)

Of the three friends, Zach is the most suggestible. It doesn't take much to convince him that ghosts are real.

Quote #9

He knelt down with a shudder at the thought of her lying directly underneath where he'd slept, as though she might reach up her tiny porcelain hands and drag him down through the couch cushions. (15.6)

Zach seems to think the Queen means his harm, which seems unfair. What if she were just reaching up to give him a hug?