Manipulation Quotes in Eclipse

How we cite our quotes: (chapter.paragraph)

Quote #4

[Alice to Charlie:] "…And not one of them will stay behind with me. I'm abandoned." (19.190)

Alice plays the "abandoned girl" to manipulate Charlie into letting Bella stay with her. Why is her scheme so effective with Charlie?

Quote #5

[Bella to Edward:] "Do you promise?" I muttered, knowing my attempt to trap him with his words was not going to work, but unable to resist." (20.91)

Bella asks Edward to promise to stay with her during the fight, because she knows he won't break a promise to her. How binding are promises or "giving your word" in our society today versus in the past?

Quote #6

[Alice to Bella:] "Don't you love me?" (21.39 )

Alice believes that it's selfish and unloving of Bella to exclude her from her initial wedding plans. What are the pros and cons of sharing your wedding with your family and friends?