Marriage Quotes in Eclipse

How we cite our quotes: (chapter.paragraph)

Quote #4

Matrimony. I made it sound like a dirty word. (20.67)

Bella can't stand the word "matrimony." Why? Because it sounds so official or traditional? Because it signifies an unbreakable, eternal bond? Does that mean she's just not ready for marriage?

Quote #5

[Edward to Bella:] "Do you get the feeling that everything is backward?... Traditionally, shouldn't you be arguing my side, and I yours?" (20.205)

Edward refers to his belief that, in the past, women protected their chastity until they got married. How much do women value their chastity before marriage today?

Quote #6

Gah! Married this summer!… And then, maybe it wouldn't bug me so much if I hadn't been raised to shudder at the thought of marriage. (20.264)

Bella admits that the failure of her parents' marriage impacts her view of marriage negatively. Is it common for children to make decisions on their own marriage based on their parents' experiences?