If Only Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Dad's spacey-ness makes me feel sick and scared. We really could have been hit or hit the cop, we could have died, or we could have killed someone else. I'm worried that he isn't paying attention to important stuff, and I need him to get his act together. (9.105)

What's worse than a parent who's putting your life in danger? One who's endangering his own.

Quote #8

I'm surprised to hear that besides Clare, there are other kids like me […] But I also feel scared. What would we have to talk about and what if I don't feel comfortable? (10.18)

There's no way Corinna could feel less comfortable than she does with the kids who haven't lost a parent. We're glad she decides to go to Ms. DuBoise's group.

Quote #9

I feel so alone and scared sometimes, scared that the pain will stay with me forever, that I won't ever go back to having a normal life. (14.1)

Corinna's probably right about this—after all, her version of normal means having a mom. But having her first crush is a close second; at least she can still feel excited about some ordinary-people things.