Leviathan Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Corporal Bauer had the uncanny eyesight of an expert gunner. Two weeks ago he'd been on his way to commanding a machine of his own. Master Hoffman had been the Hapsburg Guards' best engineer. But now the two were nothing more than fugitives.

Alek had slowly come to understand everything his men had given up for him: their ranks, families, and futures. If they were caught, the other four would hang as deserters. Prince Aleksander himself would disappear more quietly, of course, for the good of the empire. (10.9-10)

Alek might think himself alone in the world due to that whole newly-orphaned, people-are-trying-to-kill-him thing, but these are the kind of companions we'd want with us in a fight. They've proven their loyalty, but is loyalty the same as friendship? Can Alek be friends with these men?

Quote #2

Finally he cleared his throat. "I'm glad I didn't shoot you, Dylan."

"Aye, me too," the boy said simply, and turned away. (26.109-110)

Too much emotion here? If you're trying to think of something nice to say to your new sort-of friend, expressing positive feelings about the fact that you chose not to shoot them is one way to go.

Quote #3

In a way Dylan was the sort of boy Alek would have wanted to be, if he hadn't been born the son of an archduke. (30.53)

And here's what Alek can't quite work up the feels to say aloud: Dylan is a pretty cool dude.