Leviathan Strength and Skill Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Her brother nodded slowly, a mischievous expression crossing his face. "Aye, maybe you're a crack hand with sextants and aerology. And maybe you can draw any airbeast in the fleet. But there's one test I haven't mentioned. It's not about book learning—more what they call 'air sense.'" (3.10)

Yeah, it's always great to hear about something we didn't know was going to be on the test. Makes us feel really confident going in. Thanks, Jaspert.

Quote #2

She knew more about aeronautics than Da had ever crammed into Jaspert's attic. On top of which, she had a better head for heights than her brother. (3.32)

And she's very modest about it, too. Seriously though, we give Deryn major credit for knowing her stuff and going after her dreams.

Quote #3

As she climbed, Deryn heard a hoarse cheer from below.

The ground men raised their arms in triumph. Jaspert was beaming, cupping both hands to his face and shouting something that sounded congratulatory, as if to say she'd done exactly what he'd told her!

"It was my barking idea, Jaspert Sharp," she muttered, sucking her rope-burned fingers. (7.46-48)

Older brothers, right? Always trying to take the credit when we do something awesome. We don't know a whole lot about their relationship, but we can tell that Jaspert is really proud of Deryn here.