Leviathan Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Leviathan.

Friendship Quotes

Corporal Bauer had the uncanny eyesight of an expert gunner. Two weeks ago he'd been on his way to commanding a machine of his own. Master Hoffman had been the Hapsburg Guards' best engineer. But n...

Lies and Deceit Quotes

Alek bit his lip. Father had never allowed him to be photographed or even sketched, and now Alek knew why—in case he would ever need to hide. And yet he'd still given himself away. (13.41)

Warfare Quotes

Father always said that, with war on the horizon, everyone in the household had to be prepared. (2.13)

Gender Quotes

Jaspert tied his airman's neckerchief. "Get your slops on and we'll see what you look like. All that studying's going to waste if your tailoring don't persuade them."Deryn stared sullenly down at t...

Identity Quotes

One day he would have his revenge. Father had promised. The marriage contract would be changed somehow, and Alek's blood made royal. Even if it meant defying the emperor himself. (1.49-50)

Man and the Natural World Quotes

Deryn snorted. A few people—Monkey Luddites, they were called—were afraid of Darwinist beasties on principle. They thought that crossbreeding natural creatures was more blasphemy than science,...

Society and Class Quotes

It was always like this. To the servants he might be "the young archduke," but nobles like Volger never let Alek forget his position. Thanks to his mother's common blood, he wasn't fit to inherit r...

Contrasting Regions: Clankers and Darwinists Quotes

The Austrian horses glinted in the moonlight, their riders standing tall in the saddle, swords raised. Behind them, two ranks of diesel-powered walking machines stood ready to fire, cannon aimed ov...

Strength and Skill Quotes

Her brother nodded slowly, a mischievous expression crossing his face. "Aye, maybe you're a crack hand with sextants and aerology. And maybe you can draw any airbeast in the fleet. But there's one...