Leviathan Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

One day he would have his revenge. Father had promised. The marriage contract would be changed somehow, and Alek's blood made royal.

Even if it meant defying the emperor himself. (1.49-50)

So this is great and all, but we think it's also part of why Alek struggles so much. If his father had ever been able to accept him as is, Alek might have been able to do the same for himself.

Quote #2

It was strange to think that in the morning, for the first time in two weeks, Alek would see other people. Not just these four men but an entire town of commoners, none of whom would realize that a prince was walking among them.

He coughed again, and looked down at his dusty disguise of farmer's clothes. Volger had been right—he was as filthy as a peasant now. No one would think he was anything special. Certainly not a boy with a vast fortune in gold. (10.57-58)

Does Alek actually think he's anything special? Deryn later gives him a hard time about how impressed he seems to be with himself. What's up with his ego?

Quote #3

"You're more like family than servants." Alek shrugged. "All the family I've got, in fact."

"You're still a Hapsburg. Don't forget that." (21.28-29)

If Alek's Hapsburg family refuses to accept him, do they still count as his family?