Little Brother Cunning and Cleverness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I prefer to inject a little randomness into my attacks on gait­recognition: I put a handful of gravel into each shoe. Cheap and effective, and no two steps are the same. Plus you get a great reflexology foot massage in the process (I kid. Reflexology is about as scientifically useful as gait­recognition). (1.69)

Sometimes simple solutions are the best way to beat complex systems.

Quote #2

If you stare at someone long enough, they'll eventually look back at you. She did, and her face slammed into a totally different configuration, dispassionate, even robotic. The smile vanished in an instant. (3.65)

Teachers do this stare technique all the time in classes. If you look at them, then they can call on you. Resist the power of the stare.

Quote #3

The good news was, once I was done, I had a machine that was a whole pound lighter than the Dell I'd had my eye on, ran faster, and cost a third of what I would have paid Dell. The bad news was that assembling a laptop is like building one of those ships in a bottle. It's all finicky work with tweezers and magnifying glasses, trying to get everything to fit in that little case. Unlike a full­sized PC ­­ which is mostly air ­­ every cubic millimeter of space in a laptop is spoken for. (5.103)

What does this information about Marcus tell readers about his character? Do you see more evidence for those characteristics in the text?