Little Brother Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

My name is Marcus Yallow, but back when this story starts, I was going by w1n5t0n. Pronounced "Winston." (1.1)

When in doubt, pronounce numbers like they're letters. Unless they're numbers. Cool kids know the difference.

Quote #2

Not so our captors. They could have been half­time show cheerleaders on the Super Bowl. They looked American in a way I couldn't exactly define. Good jaw­lines, short, neat haircuts that weren't quite military. They came in white and brown, male and female, and smiled freely at one another […] (3.64)

Trying to figure out who people are is something Marcus does throughout Little Brother. Why would Americans capture a high school kid who was just looking for some help? What makes these people so "American"?

Quote #3

There's something really liberating about having some corner of your life that's yours, that no one gets to see except you. (4.34)

What parts of their lives should people get to keep private and what parts should be made public? How much of Marcus's identity comes from having things that are private? What changes for him when those things get taken away?