Little Brother Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Ever since the truancy moblog went live, our world is full of nosy shopkeepers and pecksniffs who take it upon themselves to snap our piccies and put them on the net where they can be perused by school administrators. (2.42)

In 2008, people didn't have smartphones. But there were camera phones and moblogs, which let people do things like post pictures of potential truant high schoolers online.

Quote #2

They took my passwords for my USB keys next. Those held some interesting messages I'd downloaded from one online discussion group or another, some chat transcripts, things where people had helped me out with some of the knowledge I needed to do the things I did. There was nothing on there you couldn't find with Google, of course, but I didn't think that would count in my favor. (4.43)

Knowledge is power. 'Nuff said.

Quote #3

[severe haircut lady:] "Good. You will never speak of what happened here to anyone, ever. This is a matter of national security. Do you know that the death penalty still holds for treason in time of war?"

"Yes," I mumbled.

"Good boy," she purred. "We have some papers here for you to sign." She pushed the stack of papers across the table to me. Little post­its with SIGN HERE printed on them had been stuck throughout them. A guard undid my cuffs.

I paged through the papers and my eyes watered and my head swam. I couldn't make sense of them. I tried to decipher the legalese. It seemed that I was signing a declaration that I had been voluntarily held and submitted to voluntary questioning, of my own free will.

"What happens if I don't sign this?" I said.

She snatched the papers back and made that flicking gesture again. The guards jerked me to my feet.

"Wait!" I cried. "Please! I'll sign them!" They dragged me to the door. All I could see was that door, all I could think of was it closing behind me. (4.106-112)

This whole scene shows how much power Marcus has lost since being captured. He can't refuse to sign these papers if he wants to be free, but signing them gives the DHS complete power of him. What other scenes happen like this in the novel?