Shaunee Cole

Character Analysis

Blunt and Beautiful

Shaunee is the last member of the circle of friends Zoey joins, along with Stevie Rae, Erin, and Damien. When Shaunee walks up to their table, Zoey notices:

She was the color of cappuccino […] and all curvy with pouty lips and high cheekbones that made her look like an African princess. She also had some seriously good hair. It was thick and fell in dark, glossy waves around her shoulders. Her eyes were so black they looked like they didn't have any pupils. (9.36)

She isn't just gorgeous, though—she also has a way with words that is pretty darn direct. When Erin doesn't wake her up for dinner (they're roommates), Shaunee threatens to cut off her hair. And when Damien corrects Shaunee's speech, Shaunee tells him: "Damien, you are getting on my damn last nerve with that vocab shit" (9.41). For more on Damien's fondness for fancy language, be sure to read up on him elsewhere in this section.

Of all the friends in the group, Shaunee's the one to drop the bomb on Zoey: "So, Zoey, what's up with your Mark being colored in? You're still a fledgling, aren't you?" (9.44). And while it might seem pretty rude to ask such a pointed question about Zoey's physical appearance, Shaunee has a softer side, too, which comes out with Erin, whom she calls her Twin. The way Damien explains it, "Even though they aren't related by blood they are freakishly alike" (9.61). At one point Damien makes a catty remark about Erin's hair, and Shaunee immediately leaps to her defense:

"Oh, no no no. I do not believe you just said that, Damien. You know how crazy she is about her hair." (10.46)

Yeah, she sounds super-protective and loyal, just like the rest of Zoey's newfound friends.

Hot Tempered

As you may have figured out by now, Shaunee is quick to speak her mind. So when she witnesses Zoey turning down a date with Erik, she tells Zoey: "You have lost every bit of your mind" (21.90). She's not above telling a your mom joke, either, which she pulls on Damien when he tries to correct her vocabulary use (22.78).

Importantly, Shaunee acknowledges that she has a quick temper. When Zoey tells her buds that her goal isn't to punish Aphrodite, but rather see justice done, Shaunee says: "See, that's why you'll be the High Priestess and Erin and I will just be your very attractive sidekicks. Because we are shallow and we just want to knock her bobble-head off her shoulders" (23.63). She calls 'em like she sees 'em, that's for sure, and she has the clarity to know this about herself.

Shaunee's fiery nature makes her a great pick for the role of fire element in the ritual circle Zoey casts. As soon as Zoey informs Shaunee of this, Shaunee replies: "Sounds good to me. I mean, everyone knows how hot I am" (23.25). And modest, too, it seems.