Missing May Chapter 2 Summary

  • Aunt May dies while she is gardening, and Summer thinks that this is the only right part of her death because she loved her garden.
  • Other than that, she and Uncle Ob are having a really hard time adjusting to living without May. It's just not the same.
  • It's February in West Virginia too, which makes things especially cold, dark, and dreary. Summer's twelve now and she walks to and from the bus to school by her lonesome.
  • But one day, something fantastic happens—Uncle Ob declares that he feels Aunt May, and he claims that she's come back to them somehow.
  • When Summer asks him how Aunt May's presence feels, he says that it feels like she's going to Ohio. Say what?
  • What he means is that whenever Aunt May was alive and going to Ohio, half of her would want to stay and half of her would want to go—she couldn't make up her mind about where she should be.
  • Aunt May believed in ghosts because her mom and dad died in a flash flood when she was a little girl, and she thought that they were watching over her all the time anyway.
  • And Aunt May was an amazing person. She was big and good and always there for Uncle Ob and Summer, and now that she's gone, they're not as strong as they once were.